Magento footer redesign for

This project required a change in the design of the footer by grouping the links into four main categories, it also include adding the predominant credit card logos that appropriately fits with the theme of the site.

Magento Redesign for

Magento redesign with added functionality This project asked for new functionality to be added to an existing magento site, whilst modifying the design. The changes included modifying the layered navigation, the home page slide show and the layout of the category page. An SEO report was also produced for the site Bent Shop The Bent Gay Shop is the UK’s premier gay sex shop. With almost 2000 products on offer there is most certainly something for all gay men. Read On →

Ubuntu "No such file or directory" When it does exist + Solution

This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub If you are tearing your hair out trying to figure out why trying to run something is complaining that it doesn’t exist when it clearly does, this is quite possibly your solution. Read On →

Magento Developer Mode not Working + Solution

I in the middle of carrying out an upgrade for a client, which is causing the usual compatibility problems… Normally I rely on Developer mode to point me in the right direction with these, but in this case no matter what I did, I could not get magento to display errors. Finally I came across a modified version of the App class in code/local/Mage, which carried out a reset of the Mage static variables, including developer mode. Read On →

Magento API fix - Get Product by SKU

I have just finished working on a nice little project for Magento API for our client CNG Florist Sundries. The Aim of the project was to make Magento API use SKU’s when pulling out the product information. By default Magento API accept a variable productId which can either be a product id or sku. The problem, especially with this task, was the fact that the client is using numeric values for product SKU values. Read On →

PHP DomPDF Bug - page_cache.cls.php on line 66 dompdf + Solution

This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub If you are struggling with a weird bug with DomPDF, something about it trying to connect to a postgres database.. well here is the solution that will get you up and running: open the file and make the init method just return false class Page_Cache { const DB_USER = "dompdf_page_cache"; const DB_PASS = "some meaningful password"; const DB_NAME = "dompdf_page_cache"; static private $__connection = null; function init() { return false; if (is_null(self::$__connection)) { $con_str = "host=" . Read On →