Install Native Spotify Client in Ubuntu

This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate.

If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub

Spotify have brought out a native Linux client (finally!) and I can report that it works great.

However, the installation instructions are a little sparse - here are some easier ones:

First you need to add the spotify repository. Here are some proper instructions on how to add repositories:

Basically though, you need to edit (as sudo) this file: /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

at the bottom of the file paste in this line and save the file:

deb stable non-free

Now open a terminal window (applications, accessories, terminal) and run the following:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4E9CFF4E

gpg --export 4E9CFF4E |sudo apt-key add -

apt-get update

apt-get install spotify-client-qt spotify-client-gnome-support

That installs it, but as far as I could tell nothing is added to the menu. You can actually launch the app by opening a terminal and simply running:


You might decide to manually add this to the menu or create a custom launcher in your panel

Tags: ubuntuspotify