Google Caffeine and the Real Time Web

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Google’s latest incarnation, dubbed caffeine is set to improve further the quality of Google search results. The focus seems to be on more real time search, fresher content being boosted to the top of the rankings. So just when Microsoft thought they were giving Google a run for their money with Bing, Google take the game another leap forward. It does look like Google will continue to enjoy their near monopoly on search for the forseeable future.

For the average webmaster though its looking like an active fresh content creation programme is going to become an ever more important part of the overall SEO package. At Edmonds Commerce we have been working on setting up an outsourced fresh content service for our clients and will be rolling something out in full in the near future.

We recently launched our outsourced link building service and fully intend to put together a collection of SEO services that can be outsourced as individual services or all together as a bulk package.

Fresh, original and regularly posted relevant content will become an SEO essential for any serious web site.