PHPStorm Regex Replace "Malformed Replacement String"

If you are struggling using PHPStorm to find and replace code with Regex rules then this is your solution.

The problem is that when using the $ sign in your replacement string it confuses it because PHP Storm uses the $ sign to represent sub pattern replacements.

Take the following example code:

$data = array();
$form=$page->find('form.edit_product', 0);

//standard inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="text"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){

//radio inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="radio"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){

//checkbox inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="checkbox"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){

$textareas = $form->find('textarea');
foreach($textareas as $textarea){

And trying to replace the key being used in the data array with a processed one calling a method $this->dataName($key) to generate the following code:

$data = array();
$form=$page->find('form.edit_product', 0);

//standard inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="text"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){

//radio inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="radio"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){

//checkbox inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="checkbox"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){

$textareas = $form->find('textarea');
foreach($textareas as $textarea){

You might try the find pattern:


And the replace pattern:


However this will give you the dreaded “malformed replacement string” Error

The solution is simply to triple escape your dollar signs, so the replacement pattern becomes:


And it works, woot!

Also when it does work, PHP Storms replacement preview feature is really quite nice

Tags: findreplacephpproblemsearchsolutionstringideregexphpstormcodingregularexpressionsmalformedreplacement