PHPStorm Regex Replace "Malformed Replacement String"
Jan 24, 2013 · 2 minute readCategory: phpstorm
If you are struggling using PHPStorm to find and replace code with Regex rules then this is your solution.
The problem is that when using the $ sign in your replacement string it confuses it because PHP Storm uses the $ sign to represent sub pattern replacements.
Take the following example code:
$data = array();
$form=$page->find('form.edit_product', 0);
//standard inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="text"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){
//radio inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="radio"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){
//checkbox inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="checkbox"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){
$textareas = $form->find('textarea');
foreach($textareas as $textarea){
And trying to replace the key being used in the data array with a processed one calling a method $this->dataName($key) to generate the following code:
$data = array();
$form=$page->find('form.edit_product', 0);
//standard inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="text"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){
//radio inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="radio"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){
//checkbox inputs
$inputs = $form->find('input[type="checkbox"]');
foreach($inputs as $input){
$textareas = $form->find('textarea');
foreach($textareas as $textarea){
You might try the find pattern:
And the replace pattern:
However this will give you the dreaded “malformed replacement string” Error
The solution is simply to triple escape your dollar signs, so the replacement pattern becomes:
And it works, woot!
Also when it does work, PHP Storms replacement preview feature is really quite nice