Ultimate osCommerce Checkout - Fast and Friendly
Jul 2, 2008 · 2 minute readCategory: php
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My system rolls every single stage into a single page for entering details and a subsequent confirmation page simply to allow the customer to double check the details.
I have now finished adding full and detailed AJAX error checking so that as the customer fills out the fast checkout page, their input is checked and validated. If their input is OK the input box turns green, otherwise it turns pinky-red and a red error message box displays telling them exactly what the problem is.
This means that it will be nearly impossible for a customer’s checkout process to be complicated by breaking one of the oscommerce character limits or making some other error.
If you want your osCommerce checkout to be as fast and userfriendly as possible then you need to sign up for:
Edmonds Commerce Ultimate osCommerce Checkout
Here are a few screen shots of the system running on a client site.
Existing Customer Login
validates email address and checks that the email address is registered
Validates Inputs
Validates email addresses to help prevent typos and also checks that double entry of email or password matches up.
Set Account, Shipping and Billing Address in One Page
The Fast Checkout system automatically defaults the shipping and billing address to the acccount address. If the customer wants to set another address for either of these, an expandable section allows them to enter a new address or select an existing address book entry. Incorporates full AJAX error checking.
This system can be set up on your site for £997. If you are interested in having the ultimate checkout experience and ensuring that you convert the maximum amount of baskets then get in touch with Edmonds Commerce today.