PHP SOAP Client Basic Template

Often when integrating with SOAP services I find myself doing the same old moves. I have a deep suspicion of API’s written by others. They always tend to be in, have error message pages that have default messages and generally be really badly documented and coded. Maybe I’m just unlucky?

In my experience decent API’s don’t use SOAP.

Anyway if I do have to use SOAP, starting out with this class as a template to get the ball rolling with some useful debugging methods (so you can email the API owners and show them that their API doesn’t work), I’ve blogged it for my own archive and retrieval reasons but if it helps anyone else out then that is great!

 * Class Template Soap Client Consuming Class

class EdmondsCommerceSoap

    protected $username = 'edmondscommerce';

    protected $pass = 'NotReallyMyPassw0rd';

    public function test($wsdl)
        $options["connection_timeout"] = 25;
        $options["location"] = $wsdl; 
        $options['trace'] = 1; //this is important if you want to be able to use the soapDebug method
        try {
            $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, $options);
            $client = $this->setAuthHeader($client);
        } catch (SoapFault $e) {
            echo '<h1>SoapFault: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</h1>';
            echo '<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>';
        echo '<h2>Debug Info:</h2>';

    * This method is only a template, will change depending on the service you are using but its a good starting point demonstrating how to set headers
    protected function setAuthHeader(SoapClient $client)
        $auth = array(
            'username' => $this->username,
            'MessageId' => md5(time()),
            'password' => $this->password
        foreach($auth as $k=>$v){
            $headers[] = new SoapHeader('Header', $k, $v, false);
        return $client;

     *  This method gathers all debug info into a handy array ready for var_dump, log etc etc
    protected function soapDebug(SoapClient $client)
        $debug = array();
        $debug['request']['headers'] = $client->__getLastRequestHeaders();
        $debug['request']['body'] = $client->__getLastRequest();
        $debug['request']['body_formatted'] = $this->formatXmlString($client->__getLastRequest());
        $debug['response']['headers'] = $client->__getLastResponseHeaders();
        $debug['response']['body'] = $client->__getLastResponse();
        $debug['response']['body_formatted'] = $this->formatXmlString($client->__getLastResponse());
        return $debug;

     * This method is purely to assist the debug method and simply makes generated XML readable
    protected function formatXmlString($xml)
        $xml = preg_replace('/(>)(<)(\/*)/', "$1\n$2$3", $xml);
        $token = strtok($xml, "\n");
        $result = '';
        $pad = 0;
        $matches = array();
        while ($token !== false) :
            if (preg_match('/.+<\/\w[^>]*>$/', $token, $matches)) :
                $indent = 0; elseif (preg_match('/^<\/\w/', $token, $matches)) :
                $indent = 0; elseif (preg_match('/^<\w[^>]*[^\/]>.*$/', $token, $matches)) :
                $indent = 1; else :
                $indent = 0;
            $line = str_pad($token, strlen($token) + $pad, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $result .= $line . "\n";
            $token = strtok("\n");
            $pad += $indent;
        return $result;
