CRE Loaded PCI Compliance Validated
Jun 12, 2009 · 2 minute readCategory: php
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Refreshingly as well they have redesigned their site and have gone back to making their free open source version more prominent on the site. I think this is a really good thing. I was always uncomfortable about their policy of overly pushing the paid for versions and making it tricky to find the free version.
It is then down the customer to decide whether to go with the free version or to take advantage of the extra features offered by the paid for version. This also allows potential CRE Loaded store owners to download the software and play around with it and discover if it really is the system for them.
For smaller operations that require a good solid easy to use and cheap to set up ecommerce platform I firmly recommend CRE Loaded (free or otherwise).
For larger operations or those people wanting something a bit more advanced than straight forward ecommerce I strongly recommend Magento. The best open source ecommerce platform is still Magento in my opinion, but CRE Loaded definitely has its place secured.