Build Table from File PHP Function

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This little PHP function will allow you to import a csv or tab etc delimited text file into a database table. Handy if you need it :)

function build_table_from_file($tablename, $filepath, $delim="\t") {
    db_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tablename");
    $fp=fopen($filepath, 'r');
    while($r=(($delim=='csv')?fgetcsv($fp):fgets($fp))) {
            $r=explode($delim, $r);
        if(!$headers) {
            foreach($r as $h){
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE $tablename
                            `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,";
            foreach($headers as $h) {
                $sqls[]=" `" . db_in($h) . "` TEXT NOT NULL ";
            $sql .= implode(', ', $sqls) . "
                        ) ENGINE = MYISAM ";
        $sql = "insert into $tablename set ";
        foreach($headers as $k=>$h) {
            $sqls[] = "`$h` = '" . db_in($r[$k]) . "'";
        $sql .= implode(', ', $sqls);

Tags: phptablefileimportcsv