Jun 9, 2011 ·
1 minute read
We are now working on developing a new Magento based e-commerce site for a UK based company called Dressnimpress. Our client specialises in designer clothing for both male and female and will be targeting a world wide marketplace for selling designer clothes covering all the latests and famous brands. The site will be developed from scratch by implementing designs that have been provided to us by the client. Part of the development process will include building a number of custom extensions to fulfil specific features of the site, customizing specific areas or pages of the site as per design and it will also have to support multiple currencies for the world wide audience.
Jun 9, 2011 ·
1 minute read
This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub If you use Git a lot, you probably want to run the latest version. Scroll down for some reasons why. The standard repository version for Ubuntu is 1.7.1, the current latest is 1.7.5 and there are some significant differences.
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Jun 9, 2011 ·
1 minute read
This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub Edmonds Commerce are hiring at the moment. PHP Job Leeds We are always looking to grow our team of Leeds based professional PHP Developers. If you are at or around the Zend Certified Developer level and think you would pass the exam given a little time and preparation then please get in touch.
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Jun 8, 2011 ·
2 minute read
This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub Running PHP on the command line, via cron etc there are a few common problems you can hit and from experience this my recommendations to avoid them.
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Jun 8, 2011 ·
1 minute read
This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub It used to be Tabberwocky but that’s died with FF4 I now recommend Tab Mix Plus which lets you achieve the holy grail, duplicate tabs! Who would have though it was so hard.
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Jun 7, 2011 ·
6 minute read
This is post is now quite old and the the information it contains may be out of date or innacurate. If you find any errors or have any suggestions to update the information please let us know or create a pull request on GitHub If you are looking for a light weight, fast, PHP based yet fully featured issue tracking system, Elastik is a great choice. Here is a quick start guide for it’s usage.
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