Group Layers in the GIMP

One of the things that often frustrates those who have used Photoshop in the past often complain about the switch to Linux and the GIMP specifically is the lack of groupable layers. There is a plugin that does provide this functionality, albeit in a rather unintuitive manner :- It’s called LayerGroups and is at This is a really useful feature and really does need an overhaul on the usability stakes but might be useful if you are moving to Linux from Windows.

Paypoint Magento Modules Vanished into Thin Air!

It appears that all the paypoint (formally secpay) modules have vanished from the magento connect site. This is a pain for a lot of people who have chosen the gateway to service their payments, and leaves two options for most people :- * Choose a different provider * Get a custom module written As Magento developers we’re happy to quote for the latter option, but we expect a lot of people will go for the former.

Increase the Stabilty of your Magento cron

Sometimes when your cron process in Magento seems to not be working it is worth doubling up the ways it gets executed. One reason for this is various extensions (notably EERP from boostmyshop) set up an override to ensure that the same cron task is not run a second time if it’s still running when the first run happens. Often the cli setup for php is not configured with the same timeouts etc. Read On →

Tip: Parse XML Values in bash e.g. Magento local.xml

Not the most elegant way to do this, and probably could do with some extra tweaks but it works for our purposes, so presented here in case it fits yours : # xml_value path/to/file node_key function xml_value(){ grep "<$2>.*<.$2>" $1 | sed -e "s/<\!\[CDATA\[//" | sed -e "s/\]\]>//" | sed -e "s/^.*<$2/<$2/" | cut -f2 -d">"| cut -f1 -d"<" } It also strips out the CDATA tags, which we needed Read On →

Calling Methods from a Magento Static Block

I recently had to develop a bespoke CMS within magento. One of the requirements was that the system should be very easy to customise, and should use the existing Pages and Static blocks functionality within magento. I wanted the ability to call a block that I had created from with a static block. Magento allows you to do this using the code below {{block type=‘companyname/path_to_block’ name=‘custom.block’ template=‘path/to/template/file.phtml’}} The issue that I came across if you need to call a method on the block before it is rendered. Read On →

Chrome Aliases for Bookmarks/Links Extension - Great Timesaver

If you have a few URLS you are constantly going to and you would prefer a quick keyboard based way of going to them without having to type full URLs then this little extension could be for you. The concept is very simple. You can create an alias word (eg phpmyadmin) which then redirects to your full phpmyadmin URL. When you first install it you might set up some aliases and try to use them but get redirected to the google search results pages for that word instead. Read On →