Bash Snippet to Get Column Numbers For Csv Headers

Check out this BASH snippet to get the headers from a CSV file and give you the column numbers

PHP File /tmp/ Does Not Exist

Recently I ran into an issue with a upload issue in Akeneo when trying to include an image with a product, however the issue could happen with any PHP script. I had provided a file path of /path/to/file.jpg in the upload, but was getting an error message of Attribute or field "picture" expects a valid pathname as data, "/tmp/path/to/file.jpg" given (for setter media) I was surprised to see that the path had been changed to /tmp/path/to/file.jpg, but a put a copy of the file into the /tmp/ directory and tried again. Read On →

Phpstorm and Mysql Scratch Files

Workflow Recently I have been writing a number of internal scripts that interface with one of our databases to check a few things. A lot of the time we use PhpMyAdmin or the standard Mysql command line client where necessary but there is a better and more reliable way to fire queries to the database. Enter PHP Storm. PHP Storm and MySQL PHPStorm has been extended so much over the years that it can be used for fully fledged raw SQL on it’s own which can be very handy. Read On →

Debugging Google Adwords Conversion Tracking and Analytics

Recently I had to try and fix a number of issues with a client’s Google Adwork conversion tracking and Universal Analytics. To better help in debugging I discovered a plugin from Google themselves for Chrome that does some basic validation on any tracking tags in the page, this also includes tags loaded through Google Tag Manager and the Tag Manager loader itself. From here I quickly found that the wrong parameters were being passed to the Tag Manager data layer (and as a result to Ad Words) making it a simple issue to fix without having to wait for Adwords/Analytics to update. Read On →

Mysql Password Expiry - How to Resolve and Then Disable

I recently had the issue that the root user for a MySQL installation had their password expire. Apparently this is a fairly new MySQL feature which is designed to improve security and assist with meeting PCI-DSS requirements. However for this development box, it is not really necessary so I would prefer to disable. The issue became apparent when trying to log into phpmyadmin and seeing the error message: “#1862 - Your password has expired. Read On →

Screen Capture on Fedora

If you want to quickly capture your screen on Fedora follow these steps: Go to the following download link for VokoScreen sudo dnf install path/to/rpm Run VokoScreen And that’s it!