SSH / Command Line Mysql Dump and Compress
Jan 28, 2009 · 2 minute readCategory: mysql
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If you want to be able to download the file easily via FTP, you need to first of all go to your web root. For example:
cd /home/myhome/public_html
If you are not sure where you web root is, you can log in via FTP and copy the path displayed in the remote pane of the FTP programme.
Then to create the database dump run the following command, replacing the dbuser and dbname with the mysql username and the name of the database you want to back up.
mysqldump --opt -u dbuser -p dbname > dbname.sql
You will then be prompted to enter the password for that mysql user. Enter this and mysql will then create an SQL dump file in your web root.
If the dump file is really big, it is usually a good idea to then compress this file to make moving it around a bit easier. To create a gzip compressed copy of the file, use the following command, replacing dbname.sql with the actual database name you used.
gzip -c dbname.sql>dbname.sql.gz
At this point you might decide to delete the uncompressed SQL file to conserve space. To do that run the following command, again replacing dbname.sql with the actual name of the database.
rm -f dbname.sql