Magento Block Caching - Get More Performance Easily in Magento
Nov 23, 2010 · 2 minute readCategory: magento
If you dig a little deeper into Magento you will notice that there is a fully featured caching system lurking in there. However, as standard, it is quite under utilized.
I’m sure that the primary reason for this is that caching dynamic systems can cause admin user confusion and generally make things trickier. However all the tools are there waiting to be used if you want to push things a bit further.
Pretty much any Magento block can be cached - its great for things like a “best sellers” block or anything else that requires some processing and doesn’t really need to be up to the minute accurate for every page request.
To use block caching for a particular block, you just need to set three properties or methods. Note Magento’s use of Magic methods allows us to mix and match properties and methods easily!
Check this out:
We get asked a lot about optimising Magento performance and the first bit of advice is always to upgrade to the latest version. After that there are all kinds of things that can be done and implementing block caching like this is just one of them.
If you want to discuss optimising your Magento store for more speed and performance without necessarily having to upgrade your hosting environment, get in touch with Edmonds Commerce today!