Magento Smtppro Gmail Issue Solution

If you Magento site has stopped sending emails via SMTP Pro then you will want to have a look in your exception log - var/log/exception.log

If you see messages in there along the lines of

2016-10-04T14:27:52+00:00 ERR (3): 
exception 'Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception' with message '5.7.14 <
 5.7.14 Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123
 5.7.14 Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123
 5.7.14 Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123Abc123
 5.7.14 Abc123Abc123Abc123> Please log in via your web browser and
 5.7.14 then try again.
 5.7.14  Learn more at
 5.7.14 103sm1699291ioi.29 - gsmtp
' in /var/www/vhosts/

Then the solution is to log into the gmail web interface, but via your server’s IP address.

Not really the easiest thing to do, and there are a few ways of approaching this. The one that worked for me was to install Squid and use this.

sudo yum -y install squid

sudo echo "
acl ec src
http_access allow ec
" >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

sudo systemctl start squid

note you might need to open up firewall ports as well

Once that is running then you can connect to your squid proxy using a local browser.

Using firefox, you need to go to preferences / advanced / network and the proxy

Set up your server IP as the proxy IP, set the port to 3128

You should now be able to browse the web via firefox and the requests are routed via your server.

You can check this by searching google for ip and you should get your servers IP address.

Once you have this working, simply sign into gmail itself and then the issue should be sorted.

Once it is working, then make sure you remember to close down squid and close down any firewall ports you opended

sudo systemctl stop squid

Tags: magentogmailsmtppro