Basic atop Usage

What is atop?

Taken from the man page:

The program atop is an interactive monitor to view the load on a Linux system. It shows the occupation of the most critical hardware resources (from a performance point of view) on system level, i.e. cpu, memory, disk and network.

Raw Data Format

The raw data format is a binary log file that atop can be configured to record. This log file can be generated for any length of time and allows you to go back in time to debug system performance issues.


You can install atop from most Linux repos or download it directly from their site.

In order to gain the benefits of the binary log file you can either configure atop to generate this on an ongoing basis or you can run atop with the following command. This command would be most useful for debugging easily repeatable bugs / issues.

atop -w <log file path>

To configure atop for ongoing log generation you need to point a cron job at atop.daily

0 0 * * * root /etc/atop/atop.daily

NOTE: this file seems to be missing from both Fedora and Centos when atop is installed from the repos. I’m still looking into a fix for this.

atop will write it’s log files to:


To read these log files use:

atop -r <log file path>

Basic Usage

For more detailed usage info I recommend you check out the very detailed man page.

When viewing a binary log:

Useful Links

Tags: linuxservermonitoring